Practical II - Linking regions to genes and integration with gene expression data

In the last step of practical 1, we already identified enriched TFs, which overlap with the predicted footprint. In this part, we are going to infer TFs that might be related to gene expression differences between hESC and cardiac mesoderms. Therefore, we first link the footprints to potential target genes using TEPIC, and then apply DYNAMITE. The tool uses a logistic regression classifier to identify key regulators, which might explain changes in gene expression.

Step 1: Extracting TF motifs of TFs expressed in the cell types of interest

Ensure that you are in the directory


and create a directory where we can write our results to:

mkdir results/session2/

DYNAMITE requires as input a list of known TF binding motifs. In this step, we want to extract the TF binding motifs of TFs which are expressed in pluripotent cells (hESCs), cardiac mesoderms (CM) or in both cell types. Therefore, we provide the script, which expects as input:

  • gene expression values (TPM) from hESCs (precomputed),
  • gene expression values (TPM) of CMs (precomputed),
  • a file containing all available TF binding motifs as Position specific energy matrices (PSEMs),
  • output file,
  • a mapping from ensembl IDs to gene names and
  • TPM threshold value. If the expression value of a TF is higher than the TPM threshold value, we consider this TF as expressed.

All required input files are located in the data directory (/data/EpigenomeAnalysisTutorial-2020/data/) of the docker container.

As mentioned before, the RNA-seq data is taken from An atlas of transcriptional, chromatin accessibility, and surface marker changes in human mesoderm development. We performed the quantificantion of the RNA-seq data using Salmon. Please run the script using the following command:

python scripts/session2/ data/meanTPM_hESC.txt  data/meanTPM_CM.txt  data/PSEM_JASPAR2020.txt results/session2/PSEMs_JASPAR2020_TPM_0.5.txt data/ensemblID_GeneName.txt 0.5

Step 2: Intersect the footprint from HINT with differentially ATAC-peaks

As input regions for DYNAMITE we are going to use the footprint computed with HINT, which we intersect with the differential ATAC-peak. The remaining footprint are regions where we expect binding sites of key TFs and where we observe different chromatin accessibility between hESC and cardiac mesoderms.

Before we can perform the intersection step, we first have to extract the first 5 columns of the footprint output file from hint to create a file which can be handled by bedtools. Therefore we use awk. Please run

awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5}' results/session1/hint/footprints/hESC.bed  > results/session2/footprints_hESC.bed
awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5}' results/session1/hint/footprints/Cardiac.bed  > results/session2/footprints_CM.bed

To intersect the footprint of the hESC and the cardiac mesoderms with the differentially ATAC-peaks, we use bedtools intersect command. Two files are required as input. For each region in the first file (indicated by -a), an overlap with the second file (-b) is searched for.

bedtools intersect -a  results/session2/footprints_hESC.bed -b data/nf_core_atacseq/macs/narrowPeak/consensus/deseq2/CardiacvshESC/CardiacvshESC.mRp.clN.deseq2.FDR0.05.results.bed  > results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_hESC.bed
bedtools intersect -a  results/session2/footprints_CM.bed -b data/nf_core_atacseq/macs/narrowPeak/consensus/deseq2/CardiacvshESC/CardiacvshESC.mRp.clN.deseq2.FDR0.05.results.bed  > results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_CM.bed

Since the footprints are rather short, we need to extend the region by some base pairs, such that all regions are longer than the longest TF binding motif (>21bp). This is necessary to probably compute the TF binding affinity per footprint region during the DYNAMITE analysis. Please run the following two commands:

awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 -10 "\t" $3 +10 "\t" $4 "\t" $5}' results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_CM.bed  >results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_CM_extended.bed
awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 -10 "\t" $3 +10 "\t" $4 "\t" $5}' results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_hESC.bed >results/session2/footprints_DiffPeaks_hESC_extended.bed

Step 3: Deriving candidate transcriptional regulators using DYNAMITE

During a DYNAMITE analysis, two main computational tasks are undertaken:

  1. We calculate TF binding affinities for TFs expressed in hESC, cardiac mesoderms or both cell types and aggregate those to gene-TF scores using TEPIC. TF affinities are a quantitative measure of TF binding to a distinct genomic region.
  2. A logistic regression classifier is learned that uses changes in TF gene scores between two samples to predict which genes are up/down- regulated between them. Investigating the features of the model allows the inference of potentially interesting regulators that are correlated to the observed expression changes.

Please check the documentation for details on the method.

We provide a script that automatically performs steps (1) and (2) as well as necessary data processing and formatting steps (See DYNAMITE documentation for details). All files used in this step are available in /data/EpigenomeAnalysisTutorial-2020/data/.

Note that we precomputed the differential gene expression estimates using DESeq2. Computing those is neither part of the actual tutorial nor of the DYNAMITE workflow.

1. Ensure that you are in the directory /data/EpigenomeAnalysisTutorial-2020/, otherwise cd to that directory.

2. Generate an output folder for the resulting files:

mkdir results/session2/DYNAMITE/

3. To run the DYNAMITE script go to the DYNAMITE folder in the TEPIC repository.

cd  /root/TEPIC-2.2/MachineLearningPipelines/DYNAMITE/

We provide a configuration files for the DYNAMITE analyses:

  1. DYNAMITE-hESCvsCM-Top800DEGs.cfg

The configuration files list all parameters that are needed for a run of DYNAMITE. To help you customize these files for later usage, we explain the essential parameters here:

  • open_regions_Group1: One or more files containing candidate transcription factor binding sites for samples belonging to group 1
  • open_regions_Group2: One or more files containing candidate transcription factor binding sites for samples belonging to group 2
  • differential_Gene_Expression_Data: Differential gene expression data denoted with log2 fold changes
  • outputDirectory: Directory to write the results to
  • referenceGenome: Path to the reference genome that should be used
  • chrPrefix: Flag indicating whether the reference genome uses a chr prefix
  • pwm: Path to the PSEMs that should be used
  • cores_TEPIC: Number of cores that are used in the TEPIC analysis
  • geneAnnotation: Gene annotation file that should be used
  • window: Size of the window around a genes TSS that is screened for TF binding sites
  • decay: Flag indicating whether TEPIC should be using exponential decay to downweight far away regions while computing gene-TF scores
  • peakFeatures: Flag indicating whether TEPIC should compute features based on peaks, e.g. peak count, peak length, or signal intensity within a peak

In the scope of the tutorial, you do not have to change any of those. A full description of all parameters is provided here.

4. Run the individual pairwise comparisons for LSK vs B:

bash  DYNAMITE-hESCvsCM-Top800DEGs.cfg

The result of the analysis will be stored in /data/EpigenomeAnalysisTutorial-2020/results/session2/DYNAMITE/. There are three subfolders for each comparison:

  1. Affinities
  2. IntegratedData
  3. Learning_Results

The folder Affinities contains TF affinities calculated in the provided regions for both groups, gene TF scores for both groups, and a metadata file that lists all settings used for the TF annotation with TEPIC (subfolders group1 and group2). The subfolder mean contains the mean gene TF scores computed for group1 and group2. This is needed if you analyze more than one biological replicate per group. The folder ratio contains the gene TF score ratios computed between the gene TF scores of group1 and group2.

The folder IntegratedData encloses matrices that are composed of (1) gene TF score ratios and (2) a measure of differential gene expression. In the folder Log2 the differential gene expression is represented as the log2 expression ratio between group1 and group2. In the folder Binary, the differential gene expression is shown in a binary way. Here, a 1 means a gene is upregulated in group 1 compared to group 2, whereas a 0 means it is down-regulated in group1. The binary format is used as input for the classification.

The folder Learning_Results comprises the results of the logistic regression classifier. The following files should be produced if all R dependencies are available:

  1. Performance_overview.txt
  2. Confusion-Matrix_<1..6>_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt
  3. Regression_Coefficients_Cross_Validation_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt
  4. Regression_Coefficients_Entire_Data_Set_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt
  5. Performance_Barplots.pdf
  6. Regression_Coefficients_Cross_Validation_Heatmap_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.svg
  7. Regression_Coefficients_Entire_Data_SetIntegrated_Data_For_Classification.pdf
  8. Misclassification_Lambda_<1..6>_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.svg

The file Performance_overview.txt contains accuracy on Test and Training data sets as well as F1 measures. These values are visualized in Performance_Barplots.pdf. As the name suggests, the files Confusion-Matrix_<1..6>_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt contain the confusion matrix computed on the test data sets. They show model performance by reporting True Positives (TP), False Positives (FP), True Negatives (TN), and False Negatives (FN) in the following layout:

Observed/Predicted Positive Negative
Positive TP FN
Negative FP TN

The heatmap Regression_Coefficients_Cross_Validation_Heatmap_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.svg shows the regression coefficients of all selected features in the outer cross validation. This is very well suited to find features that are stably selected in all outer cross validation folds. The raw data used to generate the figure is stored in Regression_Coefficients_Cross_Validation_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt. The stronger a regression coefficient, the more important it is in the model.

In addition to the heatmap showing the regression coefficients during the outer cross validation, we also show the regression coefficients learned on the full data set: Regression_Coefficients_Entire_Data_SetIntegrated_Data_For_Classification.pdf and Regression_Coefficients_Entire_Data_Set_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.txt.

The figures Misclassification_Lambda_<1..6>_Integrated_Data_For_Classification.svg are of technical nature. They show the relationship between the misclassification error and the lambda parameter of the logistic regression function.